
7days in heaven.jpg 




每一幕 都像個開關 讓喉頭發緊 鼻頭酸

小覷了 思念的力量 知不覺中 頻拭淚

出戲院 是昏暗天色 剎時 暴雨傾洩

像極 翻湧的思緒 暫時 無法稍停歇










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Hava Nageela Lyrics


In Hebrew:

Hava nagila, Hava nagila, 

Hava nagila, Ve nismecha. 

Hava nagila, Hava nagila,

Hava nagila, Ve nismecha. 

Hava neranena, Hava neranena, 

Hava neranena, Ve nismecha. 

Hava neranena, Hava neranena, 

Hava neranena, Ve nismecha. 

Uru, uru achim, 

Uru achim belev sameach, 

Uru achim belev sameach, 

Uru achim belev sameach, 

Uru achim, uru achim, belev sameach.



Let us rejoice 

and be glad 



Let us sing 

and be happy

Awaken brethren 

With a cheerful heart.


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To Sir With Love Lyrics

Those schoolgirl days,

of telling tales and biting nails are gone,

But in my mind,

I know they will still live on and on,

But how do you thank someone,

who has taken you from crayons to perfume?

It isn't easy, but I'll try,

If you wanted the sky I would write across the sky in letters,

That would soar a thousand feet high,

To Sir, with Love

The time has come,

For closing books and long last looks must end,

And as I leave,

I know that I am leaving my best friend,

A friend who taught me right from wrong,

And weak from strong,

That's a lot to learn,

What, what can I give you in return?

If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start,

But I, would rather you let me give my heart,

To Sir, with Love 




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Galaxia  Lyrics


Con mi casa ardiendo

flota el fluido del sueño

en terciopelo de madrugada 

sobre almíbar de dolor 

El cielo sucio brilla despacio 

borracho, ante las caricias 

de tu cuerpo de verano 

mientras la noche se quita la vida 

Y entre la distancia 

de nuestro beso ha nacido una galaxia 

Y entre la distancia 

de nuestro beso de lejos ha nacido una galaxia



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